Siphon-Less Irrigation Field Day
Learn firsthand from growers and designers who have made the change to siphon-less or bankless irrigation. Hear why they made changes, what designs they have used, what worked well, and how they addressed the challenges they faced in the development.
Irrigation Researchers Malcom Gillies, USQ and Sam North, NSW DPI will provide updates on the research that has taken place with these systems. How bankless systems work, where they are best sited, what soils they are best suited to, and other design recommendations.
Boyce Accountants will also be on hand to discuss what you need to consider when investing in a new siphon-less system.
Date: Wednesday 6th February 2018

Time: 8:30am
Location: Deer Park,
Combadello Rd, Moree
Download Flyer
or on 02 6752 1399
7:30am Bus leaves racecourse
8:30am Welcome - George Truman
8:40am Background and research update: What know about bankless?
- Malcolm Gillies, USQ and Sam North, NSW DPI
9:00am Grower and designer learnings
- Gwydir:
- St George:
- Goondiwindi:
10:10am Morning tea
10:30am Investment decisions - Boyce Chartered Accountants
10:50am Researcher update - Sam North, NSW DPI
11:15am Panel Q&A - chair Jim Purcell, Aquatech Consulting
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Bus returns to Moree Racecourse
From Moree head west on the Gwydir Highway to Mallawa Rd
(approx. 26Km). Take the first left (2km) at the end of the bitumen onto Tycannah
Combadello Rd, cross the Moomin creek turn right at the Deer Park sign (3km),
follow the gravel to the sheds (10km).
From Moree head south on the Newell highway cross Tycannah creek, turn right onto Millie Rd (Tyrone Rd). Follow to the Combadello Rd (11km) turn right, follow to the Deer Park sign (11km), turn left, follow gravel to the shed (10km)s.