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Please find included information on a film being screened at the Town and Country Club, 5 Frome St Moree on Friday the 4th of April. 
The film writer Leila McDougall will be a special guest at the event. 
This screening is proudly sponsored by mcGregor Gourlay Agricultural Services, AFF, NSW Farmers and CWA Moree
The event beguins at 6pm and there is no charge. 

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NSW online workshop invitation
The NSW Government invites NSW stakeholders who have participated in the Australian Government’s consultations on a new national water agreement to join one of three online workshops to discuss the updated draft agreement.
The NSW-hosted workshops are an opportunity to:
  • discuss how feedback from NSW stakeholders has been incorporated into the updated draft agreement published by the Australian Government in December 2024
  • share any outstanding concerns ahead of the National Water Committee meeting in early February 2025.
To register for a workshop, please select one of the links below:

Monday 3 February, 10:00am to 12:00pm
Monday 3 February, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Tuesday 4 February, 10:00am to 12:00pm

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The DCCEEW will be hosting a webinar on the draft Water Sharing Plan for the Gwydir Unregulated River Water Sources 2025.

This webinar on Tuesday 19th November 2024 from 12 noon will cover the following topics:

  • the draft water sharing plan
  • the public exhibition details, and
  • how to make a submission. 
A question-and-answer session will be held at the end of the webinar. Please include your questions when you register at the link below.
Alternatively email your questions to

There will also be a meeting in Bingara on Wednesday 27th November 2024. Register here

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This month’s focus is on Water Sharing Plans, what they are and why we need them. The presentation will cover how water sharing plans are remade and outline which inland plans are due to be remade by 1 July, 2025 and how you can comment on the proposed changes.
Speakers from the Water Group at the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water include:

  • Peter Hyde, Director Inland Water Planning
  • Antonia Morrow, Senior Advisor, Water Engagement team

Wednesday 16th October 2004, at 11am - 

Register Here

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The National Farmers Federation (NFF) is holding a farmer rally in Canberra to highlight the key issues impacting on Australian agriculture and its communities -- including the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. If you cannot make the rally NFF have a petition going.

 The Rally in front of Parliament House will begin at 11am on Tuesday, September 10. Further details can be found here - . 

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The Water Engagement Roundup is a live monthly webinar about all ongoing and upcoming engagements and consultation on important water policy, reforms and programs for New South Wales, and includes a guest presentation topic each month. This month’s focus topic is a deep dive into some of our work under the Hydrometric Networks and Remote Sensing Program, following with an open question and answer session. 
Speakers from the Water Group at the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water include:

  • Mustak Shaikh, Principal Remote Sensing/Geospatial, Water Knowledge
  • Kilian Vos, Senior Remote Sensing Analyst, Water Knowledge
  • Antonia Morrow, Senior Advisor, Water Engagement team

Register Here

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On 4 July 2024, the Australian Government released the Framework for delivering the 450 GL of additional environmental water. 
The Framework sets out how the government will recover 450 GL of water for enhanced environmental outcomes. 
There are three programs:    

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is hosting a 60 minute an online public webinar to provide an update at 12:00pm (AEST) on 17 July 2024, including representatives from DCCEEW and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. More details and resources can be found here:

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The Moree AgTech Breakfast will be on Wednesday 19th June from 7:30 - 9:30am
Supported by UNE SRI and Cicada Innovations, the breakfast will delve into the future of agriculture, showcasing the power of technology and innovation in transforming Moree's and Australia's agricultural landscape.
Panellists include Oscar Pearse (Director of NSW Farmers Association), Lachlan Elworthy (Agronomist McGregor Gourlay), Jack Rickers (Hiringa Energy, green hydrogen), Sophie Venz (President of Young Aggies) facilitated by Brooke Sauer (owner & director of IntellectAg). Following the TED-style talks will be interactive discussions, Q&A and breakfast. 

Cost: $20


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Business NSW are conducting a re-run of the Workplace Law Training for Business Zoom webinar this Friday 17th May at 10am. It is free to register as a member of Moree Chamber of Commerce.
This is the 'blurb' to intro the webinar: Due to overwhelming popularity, we are excited to announce that we will run the Expert Industrial Relations Guidance: Workplace Law Training for Business webinar again, in partnership with Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors. Learn invaluable insights into the recent changes in workplace and industrial relations laws following the passing of the Closing Loopholes Bills.

You can register here:

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THe GVIA office will be closed from 22nd December 2023  through to 8th January 2024.

For any urgent inquiries, please call the office mobile numbers. 

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The Water engagement roundup is a live monthly webinar update about ongoing and upcoming engagements and consultation on important water policy, reforms and programs for NSW. This month we focus on the NSW Groundwater Strategy.

Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Time: 11:00 AM Australian Eastern Standard Time (New South Wales)

Duration: 1 hour

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The Australian Government has announced consultation into ideas and ways to finalise the Murray Darling Basin Plan. 

The Gwydir Valley has 5,000 ML of environmental water over the legal requirements for the Basin Plan and the consultation open at the moment presents an opportunity to highlight this and the inequity that exists for the region who has over-recovered water compared with regions that have progress still to make. 

Making Every Drop Count

Securing a future for the Gwydir Valley through Irrigated Agriculture.